Tag Archives: mud

A long overdue update

Hello all. I know, it’s been a while since my last post. There are a couple reasons for this. First off, I’ve been super busy the past few weeks. I’ve also been kind of lazy about getting on the internet. So what have I been doing since I last posted?

Classes have been continuing like normal. I’m in class from 8 until usually 4 or 4:30 with a 2 hour lunch break in the middle of the day (which was cut back to one hour this week). After school I’ve begun to realize that most of the time mama isn’t home until about 5:30, so instead of sitting and waiting for mama to come home in front of the gate where all the school children stare at me cause I’m an mzungu, I’ve started going out for chai with other trainees. It’s pretty nice.

My little sister discovered my computer a couple weeks ago, which was something I was trying to not let happen. I’ve got a bunch of movies on my computer that sometiems I really just want watch and veg for a couple hours, but I don’t really have the time. So once Faith found my computer I was kind of like “well, I guess I can watch my movies now with her.” Unfortunately that wasn’t one of my brightest ideas. After showing her Totoro, things spiraled out of control and we watched about 9 movies in the span of 3 or 4 days. She hasn’t seen my computer since. I’m hiding it. I like movies, but in moderation.

At the beginning of this week our training group took a trip to Kibwezi for an HIV/AIDS workshop, where we got to see the deaf ed group for the first time since we left Nairobi. In general, it was good. But everyday we’re beginning to realize just how unorganized Peace Corps can be. The first day one of the presenters was late and one just didn’t show up, so we sat around for like 4 hours doing absolutely nothing. But in the afternoon we went to this HIV/AIDS awareness organization and some grandmothers from the community danced for us and some local primary school kids danced for us too. It was so amazing. The second day, the presenter that didn’t show up the first day came and we packed like 5 sessions to a 5 hour period. It was mildly painful. But it ended with a local youth group coming and dancing for us and doing HIV awareness skits. That was pretty cool.

The mud here has gotten out of control. It pretty much rains every afternoon and all that dust that we complained about at the beginning of training is just turning into the stickiest, most slippery mud I’ve ever experienced (don’t ask me how it can be sticky and slippery at the same time, but it is). Yesterday on my way home from our American food party (i.e. burritos and spaghetti) I was standing on some mud trying to decide whether I wanted to forge the path I was already on or jump across a mud river to get to a wider path, and I was standing there the mud literally just moved from underneath me and I slipped and fell right into the mud river, which then attempted to claim my shoes. Needless to say, I ended up walking home barefoot because I had a layer of mud covering my shoes inside and out. Karibu Kenya.

Anyways, that’s a quick update for now. I’ll try harder to post more in the coming weeks. We only have 3 more weeks of training and then we’re off to site. That’s kind of scary.